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Community Groups

We are proud to have numerous groups formed in the village that focus on improving and enriching the lives of members within the community.

Image of a village event

Community Group

Everyone in the Parish is welcome to join this group that plans events, supports the community and helps enrich the lives of the residents.


Visit their page

Bham workhouse token

History Group

Meetings are held at 2pm on a Monday, approx. every 6 to 8 weeks. The emphasis is on research and finding out more about the history of the people and buildings in the parish. We do not have speaker meetings. Members are investigating the history of their houses, people who lived in the village and major events that had an impact. For more information contact

Stack of book

Book Group

Meets at 7:30pm, second Wednesday of the month, currently in members' homes. They read a variety of books, often on a topic rather than a specific book. Everyone is welcome for a chat or book swap.

For more information contact 

Gardening group event

Gardening Group

Friendly group working to further enhance and rejuvenate the green and planted areas in the village, to produce colourful displays, identify areas for wildflower planting and serve as a social group. No experience to join necessary. For more information contact

The village church at night with litten lights

All Saints Cafe

The cafe is open to all on every Tuesday from 10:30-12:00 at the church. Tea, coffee and cakes are available for a small donation to cafe funds. A great place to meet people and explore the church.

WI ladies having a tea during an event

Women's Institute

Nailstone WI meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:15pm at All Saints Church. New members and visitors are welcome to attend for £3. 

To find out more visit

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