About the Council
There are currently five Parish Councillors and a Parish Clerk. The 'precept' or funding for the Council is part of the Council Tax collected by Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council. The Parish Council receives a small amount of money for each person in the village. From this amount, the Council pays for street lighting, litter bins, maintenance of the closed churchyard and the Church Meadow, flowers for the village and the entrance signs and general village improvements.
The Parish Council generally meets on the last Wednesday of the month at 7pm in the Dove Bank Primary School. Meetings are advertised on the village noticeboards and on the Parish Council website. All Parishioners are welcome to attend meetings and may ask questions and make comments in the public session.
Our Councillors are elected or co-opted. If you would like to become a Councillor or find out more about what they do then please contact the clerk.
Councillors can be contacted via the following email addresses, where a contact phone number is not detailed please contact the clerk instead. If your enquiry is urgent then please contact the clerk at clerk@nailstoneparishcouncil.org.uk
County Councillor - Bertie Harrison-Rushton – bertie.harrison-rushton@leics.gov.uk
Borough Chair - Councillor Bill Crooks – bill.crooks@hinckley-bosworth.gov.uk
Councillors Declarations of Interests
Access to information
Nailstone Parish Council has adopted the Information Commissioner's model Publication Scheme and has published the following guide to information available under the scheme.
We aim to publish as much information as we can online. However, some items are only available in print. You should be aware that the Council is entitled to withhold certain information. Please check the Documents section for "Policy" and "Information" documents.